WOW!!!!! How come that Handbook has not been highlighted before? (or was it??) It will take some time to digest 294 pages. I will discuss the Tonga kiln, but first a comment about
2.2.2 The Philippines Kiln
This is a 1985 reference to a poorly designed but clearly TLUD barrel for making charcoal. Holes in the bottom, fill with fuel, ignite at top, with a lid with a hole in it. The description points out that there was no attempt to combust the woodgas coming out of it. Smokey. No riser or chimney. But a TLUD device to make charcoal.
I suspect that neither Tom Reed nor Paal Wendelbo was aware of this (which was not intended as a stove). And it did not catch on or become widespread.
Our friend Gary Gilmore (forester in Pennsylvania who was a professional blacksmith for many previous years) has been telling me about his making of charcoal (for his forge) in a top-lit barrel device. And Crispin has pointed out some other places that had (or have) TLUD-style devices prior to Reed and Wendelbo. I like to give credit where it is due, even if those earlier accomplishments did not take hold and spread.
2.2.1 The Tongan 011 Drum Kiln
GREAT to see this. This does relate to my work with the 4C kiln/oven, and some ideas from a couple of days ago. There are several “flame cap” similarities. Main observation is the focus on it being small and portable. And Kelpie is right that this could be scaled up. I am working on this technology (and always looking for collaborators).
Doc / Dr TLUD / Paul S. Anderson, PhD
Exec. Dir. of Juntos Energy Solutions NFP
Email:<> Skype: paultlud
Phone: Office: 309-452-7072 Mobile: 309-531-4434
From: <>
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2019 6:48 PM
Subject: [biochar] Tonga, turtles and cavity kilns
I want to share this biochar handbook with you all: leetoulouse1/walter-emrich- auth-handbook-of-charcoal- making-the-traditional-and- industrial-methods-1985
Take a look at the Tonga Kiln on page 39. This is an oil drum with a 20 cm wide slice along the length of the drum – so not a half pipe, but a pipe with a slot. You start it on its side and as it fills, you roll it so the slot eventually faces up. To finish, you roll it over so the slot faces the ground, and seal it.
Paul, have you ever seen this? I would say it works a bit like the cavity kiln concepts you are developing. Also similar to a pizza oven in the way that air and exhaust gases flow. See:
I think this could be scaled up to large tanks for a Turtle Kiln. You might want the opening a little bigger so you can load stuff more easily.
Also, see page 187 of the above document for mention of charcoal uses in horticulture and animal feed!
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